The tasks based on exercises from Reka:

  1. Create a workflowr project

  2. Set it up so it works with github.

  3. Create a Markdown file in the analyis folder and solve the exercises from Rajbir.

  4. Add the following code to the end of the Rmd file and set eval=TRUE (see the code in the assignment.Rmd file):

  5. Publish and push the file to github.

  6. Set up the github pages with the repository.

  7. As the result of the assignment, send us the link of your webpage.

Based on the exercises from Rajbir: here

  1. Use the hfi dataset from the openintro package

  2. Fit a new model that uses pf_expression_control to predict hf_score, or the total human freedom score.

  3. Again add region to the model from Q4. Compare the slope and \(R^2\) with the model from Q4.

  4. Finally fit a model with ef_money and pf_expression_control as exposures and hf_score as outcome. Compare the slope and \(R^2\) from the models from Q1. Could ef_money be a confounder?

  5. Use a linear regression model (and scatter plot) with ef_money as exposure and pf_expression_control as outcome, to study whether ef_money has an association with pf_expression_control as well. This might validate our finding that ef_money is a confounder between pf_expression_control as exposure and hf_score as outcome from Q6.